Ancestral Healing
Steph guides you in an Ancestral Healing Meditation (this is not hypnotherapy) to deepen your awareness and support healing ancestral patterns, challenges and experiences carried through the family line. It may help to be good at visualisation, however, during the meditation you may also feel and sense your experience enabling you to receive what you need from the Ancestral Meditation.
At the end of the Meditation, if time allows, Steph offers a brief re-balance of your Chakras* for healing. Steph then supports you to understand the relevant meaning of your Ancestral Healing Meditation through discussion.
Ancestral Healing is very powerful because of the nature of interconnectedness. When one family member starts to shift a pattern which has been long held through the family line, it starts to loosen the knots through the entire lineage. Healing can begin and new ways can be possible for ourselves and our family.
*Chakras are the 7 energy centers in your body. In Sanskrit, Chakra means “wheel”. Each Chakra corresponds to bundles of nerves and major organs. Energy Healing restores balance and alignment to each Chakra; restoring a healthy flow of energy through your whole being. To maintain this balance, we use the information about each of your Chakras to understand yourself, make change and heal (Book Energy Healing – Deep dive to work with the information of your Chakras.)